Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Finally, a walk

I've been icing and my leg and wearing a knee brace and  it finally feels a little better. A noon hour talk show with a doctor convinced me to get out and give it a little spin. He said that contrary to old beliefs, one should use the injured limb lightly to build up muscles.
So I did.In between showers I took my poles and went for an easy 30 minutes. Seems OK.
It's silly isn't it the little things that can wear you down, and the equally simple things that can make one happy. good thing for that!
i picked the forget me knots near the beginning of my walk and gripped them with my poles all the way!d
And I picked up the little orchid while at the grocery store.
I've had a busy couple of days writing for a deadline. Between that and my knee, it was lovely;y to get out for a bit. Even the mosquito didn't darken my mood! They sped me on some though.
What do you do to cheer yourself?

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